Iowa Specialty Hospital

Mental Health Awareness Month

May 11, 2018

Most people want to live a meaningful life.  What is meaningful to one person may not be the same to another.  We all have our individual idea of what makes our lives meaningful—work, family, volunteering, a safe place to live, sports, friends, pets, hobbies---each person’s list looks different.  

It is possible to Recover from mental illness.  Recovery means managing a chronic condition—mental illness—to have a meaningful life.  Mental illness is a chronic brain condition that can’t be cured at this time; however a person diagnosed with a mental illness can have a life full of meaning and hope.

Building blocks to that meaningful life often include counseling (psychotherapy) with a licensed mental health professional; healthy lifestyle including enough sleep, good nutrition, and exercise; reaching out to others to have positive relationships; and medications found helpful to controlling symptoms.

Iowa Specialty Hospitals & Clinics offer professional services for mental health in Clarion, Belmond, and Hampton. Call 844-474-4321 to schedule an appointment at any of these locations.




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