Iowa Specialty Hospital

A Word from Cindy

February 7, 2022

Did you notice the new quote on your desk top? The picture of the dog looking like he cannot move forward due to fear and the words…

”The fears we cannot conquer become barriers of our happiness.”

The other day my 4 year old granddaughter, Rylan, had her well child check. Before going to the appointment her mom talked to her about what was going to happen and why she needed to go to this appointment?  Now, Rylan was not having any part of going to the doctor. When I picked her up for the appointment, she gave me every excuse that she could. Even to the point that she would not ever go to daycare or school again (she loves school). She would just stay with Grandma.  Have you ever been so scared to try or do something that you avoid it at all cost until you are pushed into the situation, but once you have been through it fear is gone? Then you reflect on why you were so scared to begin with.  Was it because you created a story in your head that was far worse than anything that is really going to happen?  We all have some fear of the unknown, and we all create those stories.

I often think about our organization and what it would be like if we did not face the fear of jumping into orthopedics, partnering with Belmond to make a system, starting bariatrics…and the list goes on.  We have had to conquer many fears to become a successful Iowa Specialty Hospitals and Clinics organization.

Well, we survived the well child check, even with no tears. Dr. Ahrendsen and Felicia did an awesome job of making her feel comfortable. Thank you!

In closing, please think about this quote from Dale Carnegie “You can conquer almost any fear if you will only make up your mind to do so.  For remember, fear doesn’t exist anywhere but in the mind.”

You can conquer almost any fear if you will only make up your mind to do so.  For remember, fear doesn’t exist anywhere but in the mind.

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