Iowa Specialty Hospital

A Word from Cindy

June 28, 2021

WOW – It’s hard to believe that we will be celebrating the 4th of July holiday this weekend.  It always seems like once you hit the 4th summer goes so fast.  We have been fortunate (at least I think so) to have warm weather this year prior to July.  

Cindy's granddaughter learning to bat at t-ballOur 4 year old granddaughter very much enjoys being outside so the weather has been great.  We have enjoyed swimming, bike riding, and playing on the trampoline.  She has also been playing in 4 year old T-ball.  I had forgotten how hard it is to keep them focused at this age.  If they are not batting they would rather be playing in the sand. Thank you for the people who have the patience to work with all of these children. The coach is a saint in my book.  

What are your holiday plans? Family, fireworks, grill out, parades?  If you like parades, I hope you join inCindy's granddaughter on a blow-up unicorn one of the many that ISH is participating in this year.  On the 4th it will be in Belmond.  Why not join the fun?  The sign up is on the intranet home page on the left hand side towards the bottom.  It is always a good time. Studies show that being outside and experiencing nature can improve your mood and calm you down. So this week make sure you take a little time for some fun and relaxation.  I think we can all learn a little bit about relaxation from the children. 

So let the kid at heart show, find joy in little things, no matter your age. Have a great Holiday week everyone!!!

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