Iowa Specialty Hospital

Amy's Reflections

June 25, 2015

A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles.  - Christopher Reeve

I saw a post on Facebook this week from one of our ER nurses that questioned if she was really doing what she was meant to do. It was heartwarming to see all the comments from various people on how she was there when they needed her most. She makes a difference every day, but she doesn’t see it. It can be hard in small communities to be present for those difficult times in our patient’s lives. What she was struggling with was the loss of a patient. What she didn’t realize was by her being there in that traumatic time, and being that familiar face for the family, she immediately provided comfort. They knew instantly that everything that could be done would be done. There is no greater comfort you can provide, and she was able to provide it with just her presence.

I recently submitted a nomination to the Iowa Hospital Association for our hospital hero. I love the process, but also dread it because it is so hard to choose just one person to nominate each year. Here is the introduction to the nomination form that they provide. I want you to really think about what it says in relation to the work you each do.

“For some, heroes are bigger than life. However, for many of us, heroes are those who reached out to us in a time of need. They do so with no expectation of reward or recognition. It is part of who they are and the character of their soul. Each day, Iowa hospitals serve their communities and celebrate a winning team of everyday heroes. Our hospitals could not deliver the high quality care our patients need and deserve without this team of everyday heroes.”

So, this week remember the impact that you make. You ARE a hero even if you don’t always know it. We will never know the depth of impact we make each day, but rest assured you are making one. I am honored to work alongside all of you heroes out there.

A hero is no braver than an ordinary man, but he is brave five minutes longer. -  Ralph Waldo Emerson


Amy McDaniel, Belmond CEO


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