Iowa Specialty Hospital

Amy's Reflections

September 1, 2016

I have always been much better at asking questions than knowing what the answers were. ~ Bill James

Have you ever thought about doing something and never pursued it until someone asked you? This happened to me recently with regards to the Catholic Church. I was raised Methodist and Rick was raised Catholic. We have raised our children Catholic but I have never taken the steps to join the church. I have thought about it a lot over the years but have never pursued it for one reason or another. This year, Father Blake called me and asked if I would consider participating in the RCIA classes. Funny how once asked I was excited for the opportunity and ready to move forward. A similar thing happened to Rick when he was asked to teach religious education this year.

There are plenty of times at work that we get frustrated because so and so didn’t step up and help with this project or they didn’t take care of this task. Have you ever stopped to wondering how many of those people just needed to be asked? Sometimes we just need to feel included in the process and part of the team. So, this week I challenge you to reach out to someone and simply ask! It can be asking a friend you haven’t seen in a long time to lunch, a team member to help you with a project, or anything in between but I encourage you to ask! 

The purpose of human life is to serve, and to show compassion and the will to help others. ~ Albert Schweitzer


-Amy McDaniel, Belmond CEO

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