Iowa Specialty Hospital

Amy's Reflections

April 25, 2022

It seems like we are on a roller coaster, and we are on the down slope of a big hill as we head towards the end of the school year. Each one of my kids has had to make some tough decisions lately between different activities and which one they want to do. It seems like our schedules are constantly being adjusted right now. This has mostly been because of weather, but it still requires a lot of shifting. I continue to share with them that these are great life lessons as you will always have conflicting priorities in your life, and you will have to figure out how to manage them so this is great practice. 

We are coming up on Hospital Week as well as Nurses Week, and our theme this year will be centered on self-care. After the past two years, it is definitely fitting that we take a moment to pause and actually focus on what we individually need right now. I have had a lot of conversations the past couple of weeks with individuals who are personally struggling to find the balance between their conflicting priorities. It truly fills my bucket when I can help someone problem solve and find a path or solution they didn’t see. I have been that exhausted mom who doesn’t know up from down and is fraught with guilt over not giving her family her very best. It is so much easier to see the path through it when you are not in the middle of it. This week, I encourage you to dig deep and really focus on what YOU need. Once you identify what that is, go and make it a priority. Maybe it is to start exercising, maybe it is to start meditating, and maybe it is as simple as a nap. You are an incredibly valuable resource that needs to be taken care of as well. Please make yourself a priority!

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