Iowa Specialty Hospital

Amy's Reflections

June 6, 2022

It is official, I have two more babies getting wings and getting ready to fly on their own. The boys are 16 and officially have their licenses. As a mom, I love and hate this stage. I love that they can run errands for me and they don’t need a ride everywhere, but I hate that they are now taller than me and aren’t babies anymore. They are growing and changing so quickly that it feels like life is moving at the speed of light right now. The boys couldn’t be more different. Jacob loves to drive and will most likely be out cruising around town in his truck tonight. Andrew isn’t as keen on driving and is a lot like me, the motion of the car tends to put him to sleep so his range won’t be very far to start. I pray they stay safe and ask for advice when they have questions. 

ROSA robot - robotic surgical assistant for knee surgeryIt feels like healthcare is changing at the speed of light right now as well. Often our greatest strength at ISH is the ability to be flexible and move when needed fairly rapidly. I must admit that this seems harder the bigger we get, but thankfully we have an incredible team of change agents focused on the best for our patients. One of the latest changes is adding the ROSA robot for total knee replacements. I am sure this has been a major shift in our routines for both the surgery team and our providers. I am so proud to be associated with a group of individuals so focused on improving patient care that they accept change and innovation with open arms. This week my challenge for you is to identify one thing in your life that should probably change but you have been resisting. Try embracing that change and see the difference it can make! 

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