Iowa Specialty Hospital

Amy's Reflections

November 7, 2022

I can’t believe it is already November. This is the time of year where I am reminded to be more thankful for the blessings in my life. One of my friends, Heidi Watne, has been gratitude posting each day things she is grateful for this month. It is such a lovely thing to share and definitely helps me reset my mind to be more grateful. There is plenty of focus on what is going wrong that it is a breath of fresh air to be reminded of what is going well. November is a great time to reset your mind and focus to a more positive setting. 

I had a nurse tell me the other day that she doesn’t really like what healthcare has become and some days she questions what she is doing. Now, it may have been the idea of winning the lottery that added to the belief that things would be better or easier if her life changed. I kindly reminded her that to our patients she makes all the difference. Each one of us needs to be reminded of the small impacts that we make every day to others in our lives. You may never know the ripple that you are leaving, but I promise you, it is much bigger than you could ever imagine. You are difference makers, and this month I am very grateful for the opportunity to work in healthcare and with each of you. 

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