Iowa Specialty Hospital

Amy's Reflections

January 3, 2022

Cute puppiesI am really looking forward to 2022! I feel in my soul that it will be a year of transformation and success on a lot of different levels. Now, this may have something to do with the fact that I momentarily lost my mind last week and we are getting a puppy. One of the two cuties in the picture will officially become a member of our family this month. After the past two years, I have made a personal commitment to do more of what brings me joy. This includes spending time with my family and appreciating the little moments, appreciating a beautiful sunrise or sunset, loving with all my heart and the difference I make in the work that I do.  

Working in healthcare is so very important, but also difficult. You often see the best and the worst in others, but you are also present for some of the most incredible moments in people’s lives. Very few professions have the impact that healthcare workers have in the lives of others. You are special. You make a difference. You have been called to a higher purpose. Don’t lose sight of what drew you to healthcare and the passion to serve and help others. My wish for you this week is that you have a true understanding of the difference you make in this world. Because of you, our world is a better place to live in. Thank you! Let’s make 2022 the most incredible year yet!

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