Iowa Specialty Hospital

Amy's Reflections

July 1, 2024

We have completed another fiscal year, and it has been an interesting one. I am always amazed at how much changes over the year with new employees starting, some retiring, new service lines, and, thankfully, this year's additional reimbursement models. As we look towards evaluations and prepare our self-evaluations, it is a great time to reflect on this past year and the impact we made. Although completing your self-evaluation can be challenging, it is an excellent opportunity to reflect on how you feel you contributed this past year and see yourself contributing this next year. As you set your goals for this next year, think about how you can make a lasting impact in your personal life, job duties, and whatever you are passionate about. Remember, we are committed to your growth and success as much as you are committed to ours. 

For each of us, there have been times over the past year when we have gone with the flow and hung in the background. There have also been numerous times when we led the charge towards the change that needed to happen. One thing remains the same: our commitment to our patients and our desire to exceed their expectations. So, as you think about the impact you want to make this next year, I challenge you to dream big and make a splash.

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