Iowa Specialty Hospital

Amy's Reflections

January 16, 2023

I feel like we have started 2023 in a frenzied sprint at our house. Between all the kids’ activities, and our Christmas Eve flood that we had at our house, we have our hands full with projects. If you know me well, you know that I typically take most things in stride. We still managed to host Christmas dinner while missing part of our dining room ceiling. This required me to stay calm in the midst of crisis, and to acknowledge that I can only control so much of what goes on around me. The old concept of “Keep Calm and Carry On”.

There seems to be a sense of frenzied energy right now in healthcare too. It is definitely a difficult financial year for us as well as most facilities across the country. We are not alone in this particular struggle. I guess if there is a bright side, it is that we have been through financial downturns several times in the past, and we are well versed in how to work through the opportunities in a calm and methodical way. The key is to keep calm and stay focused with our priorities while continuing to provide exceptional care to our patients. Basically, “Keep Calm and Carry On”. My challenge to you for this next week is to tap into your inner peace and bring a calm approach to any problem-solving situation.  We will all benefit from more calm in the world.

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