Iowa Specialty Hospital

Amy's Reflections

November 8, 2018

Those of us that work in healthcare know that the only constant we can expect is the unexpected. Things seem to move at the speed of light and the landscape continues to shift and change around us. All of these shifts and changes challenge us to look at our operations differently. The impact of Webster City closing their OB unit in October and Iowa Falls closing their OB unit in November will be significant as we look to the future. This week Fort Dodge announced that they are closing their orthopedic department effective immediately due to the inability to recruit and provide adequate coverage. One more shift in our landscape. I don’t doubt that these are extremely difficult decisions for each of these organizations and are met with disappointment from the patients and communities. These are difficult times in healthcare and the margin for error is very small. I am extremely grateful for the amazing team of providers and staff that we have in our system. I know we have faced difficult decisions as well over the past several years but I feel strongly that we also have solid strategic plans to support long-term success.

As we are rapidly approaching Thanksgiving it is a perfect time to take time to pause and give thanks for all the blessings in our lives.  Naturally I am thankful for my family and the support system that I have in them. I also am very thankful to have the ISH team in my life. You make a difference every day and I am thankful for what you do for our patients. Your challenge this week is to take a moment and truly be thankful for the blessings in your life.

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