Iowa Specialty Hospital

Amy's Reflections

January 4, 2021

We added a new puppy to the household over Christmas. I tried to forewarn the kids how much work this new puppy was going to be, but nothing could dim their excitement. Needless to say he is adorable and has taken over almost all aspects of our lives. We have found that he apparently thinks he is much bigger than he is and will fearlessly take on our other dogs without a second thought. The older dogs are not impressed and haven’t really found the balance of tolerance for him just yet. However, I am sure that in due time we will all settle into the new routine and barely remember what life was like before we added him to the mix. 

As I type this out I can see a parallel to our work lives. How many times have we been presented with some new project or program and we meet it with a lack of enthusiasm and an eye roll. I know as Senior Leaders, we often felt this waning enthusiasm for some of our pillars. So this year we took a hard look at the pillar structures and changed up the leadership in the pillar teams to add new perspectives and ideas. This team has done a wonderful job of revitalizing these teams, and thankfully their enthusiasm cannot be dimmed. They have grand plans for all of us and our system for this next year. We all need to embrace this enthusiasm and relentlessness as we head into 2021. Instead of focusing on all the things that haven’t gone our way or waiting for life to return to normal, we need to charge into 2021 with inspiration and determination to make this the best year yet. I often tell my kids to check themselves and their attitudes. So, this week I am challenging you to check yourself and your attitude and be intentional about what you bring into 2021. May this be a year filled with blessings and thanks for each of you! 

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