Iowa Specialty Hospital

Greg's Greeting

July 12, 2018

As I was pondering what to write about this go around, I thought about all of the things that have occurred within the last couple weeks that might make for a good article.  My first thought was to write about how my oldest daughter just got engaged to her boyfriend of 5 plus years.  I could talk about how it is good to see your children succeed and move on with life.  However, there is something about a father/daughter relationship that makes that a little too emotional right now.

My second thought was of my youngest daughter and her recent need to push her curfew.  She is going to be a senior in high school this fall and wants more independence.  Again, this could be a great article about spreading one’s wings and being responsible.  But as mentioned above, I am not sure if any father is ever ready for his “little” daughter to grow up.

Of course, Independence Day was this past week.  It is great to get together with friends and family and just have fun.  I could write an article talking about all of the great freedoms that we all have by living in this country which includes working in a profession that you are passionate about.  But I felt writing an article about that would be too obvious.

Thus, I have chosen to write about the fact that my brother, his wife, and their son who live in California came back to visit for a few days.  I often tell people that my brother and I are not alike.  But then I started thinking….we both are about the same height and weight, we both are accountants, we both are chief financial officers for our respective employers, and yes, we both married nurses.  As we were visiting the evening of Saturday, June 30th, my brother mentioned that when they got back to the place they were staying for the night that he was going to spend a couple hours before bed running year end reports since June 30th was his company’s yearend as well.  It appears we aren’t as different as I may have thought.  While growing up we both learned that “the dream doesn’t work unless you do.”    I hope I have taught my two daughters mentioned at the beginning of this article this as well.  

Until next time…..keep working hard so YOUR dream works!

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