Iowa Specialty Hospital

Greg's Greetings

September 20, 2021

Gender reveal for baby girlThey say life is full with ups and downs.  The trick is to enjoy the good times and to have the courage to go through the bad ones.  This is so very true in health care.  However, when it comes to your kids it is much easier said than done.

This past couple weeks, my family has been on a little bit of a roller coaster ride.  On one hand we have a daughter, who has had some health challenges in the past, have to go through a procedure.  The news of the procedure was scary for us.  During this same time, we were planning the gender reveal party for our other daughter who is expecting.  As you can imagine, we had lots of emotions that ranged from one spectrum to the other.
As usual, the staff at Iowa Specialty Hospital did an awesome job with my daughter and her procedure.  Better yet, after all of the worrying, the news we received was good!  Then, two days later we had the gender reveal party and that news was equally as good!  There was definitely a happy ending to this story.  They say a picture is worth a thousand words and the expression on my daughter’s face says it all!

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