Iowa Specialty Hospital

Notes from Steve

June 8, 2020

The world is falling apart.  I was on a patio on a roof on Friday night in Des Moines watching the riots downtown; during a pandemic and a potential economic depression.  If a lavender elephant flew in front of me singing the latest hip-hop song, I’d just chalk it up to 2020.  It’s that odd.

I’m not sure how to handle this.  Sure, at Iowa Specialty Hospitals and Clinics - we are advocating the mask wearing and social distancing and all the cleaning hands, etc. but personally, there’s a lot of other stuff going on.  We, collectively, ache to get back to life.  We want to socialize - we are by nature, social animals.  We hug and touch and share … and to think that this may go for a long while, I don’t know about you but that is a big pill to swallow (not the hugging part.)

As a “leader” I feel it’s my job to pass on wisdom but I don’t know … I’m feeling spent.  My personal opinion (filled with anger, anxiety, exhaustion, frustration) is not pertinent right now.  My job is to breathe through it and focus on the long game.  The concept of grace is never more important than now.  I remember in mid-March when I got back from a trip to Texas and I was told that I needed to self-isolate for fourteen days - I stomped around and complained.  Finally, Amy said - it’s not about you, it’s bigger than you - you could potentially infect others and if you did, you’d feel awful.  (sigh)  Yep.  Responding in today’s climate requires forethought and a big dose of grace and solemnity and humility. 

I was thinking in the month of April, it can’t get any worse … it could and did - and potentially will still.  Power through with grace … and prayer … and love … and …

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