Iowa Specialty Hospital

Notes from Steve

July 19, 2021

I janked up my knee pretty bad watering flowers a week ago.  I thought it’d go away so I didn’t do anything.  I’ve got Ragbrai coming up in a week, and I’ve been looking forward to it for 2 years so I chose to ignore it.  Now it hurts like hell.

I remember when I was a kid one year and I was sick on Christmas. Everyone else got to go to my grandparents’ farm and enjoy a great holiday with friends and family, and I was stuck home with Dad.  It was awful, and I have this memory burned into my brain still fifty years later.  

Over this past year we’ve missed out on so much.  And we are going to remember.  And I bet that the excuses we’ve used in the past - we will not be making as much in the future.  Janel (Lau) says if you get an injury while riding “throw some dirt on it, you’ll be fine” … which is what I plan to do (that and get a cortisone shot and a lot of Advil).  I will go no matter what - maybe lying in the back of a U-Haul; bottom line - I’m not going to miss Ragbrai.

I asked a bunch of friends what was learned or appreciated by going through the pandemic, and the overwhelming answer was to really appreciate what we typically take for granted -- good health, doing stuff, not wearing masks - being with each other.  There will be bumps for sure in the road ahead; but life is way too short not to smell every flower along the way.

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