Iowa Specialty Hospital

Notes from Steve

August 17, 2020

I’m writing this on Monday - during a rain storm. News just came out - more cancellations. Old hat, same old story of things getting cancelled this year. I witnessed high school friends fighting on Facebook last night about the validity of the pandemic. One was claiming that face masks didn’t work … it was a messy fight for sure. I did a private support message to the friend (a professor of music at a University in Montana) who originally posted. She was advocating safety precautions and concern for the public welfare. Those in the “conspiracy” camp confuse me.

Bad news is bad news. Regardless of how much we don’t want to a succumb to the panic of the pandemic and cancel pretty much life - I love activities as much as the next person - other countries have shown that shutting down and masking up kills the spread. In a non-judgmental way, I look at things like Sturgis Motorcycle rally (250,000 people, not a lot of masks), Okoboji packed full of vacationers, stores and restaurants with unmasked patrons and employees … I’m thinking “this is not good, it’s going to stay around for a while”. 

One camp of the classmates who were fighting on Facebook said isolation will cause more damage than good. Tell that to those who’ve experienced the worst this virus has to offer … ICU on a vent or worse, death - I’d say death from Covid is worse. The experts say that if we practice extreme vigilance, we’d stem the tide. But I don’t see that happening; there are a lot of people, like my hysterical classmates proclaiming conspiracy who will never see this as bad as it is or could be …

Bottom line in situations like this is we have to place our trust somewhere. If you have a team that only partially trusts the coach, they probably won’t win a ton of games. But those teams who collectively follow the leader and have faith in the plan, will have a better chance at success. 

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