Iowa Specialty Hospital

Notes from Steve

January 28, 2019

I had this fantastic idea for my article today but I completely forgot what I was going to say.  I fear that I am moving into a complete fog but I think that it’s probably just January and scented candles.  Since I got the exercise bike (the Peloton) my house smells like a gym so I’ve been massively trying to mask the scent by candles and I think it’s rotting my brain.  I’m quite forgetful, but on a good note my house smells nice.

For some reason I signed up for the Ride the Rockies ride in Colorado this coming June.  It’s a weeklong bicycle trip in the mountains with 2000 riders. Mostly uber mountain athletes, I assume … and me.  I’m fearing the worst, probably for good reason but you only live once right??  Dr. A told me today that I should probably go a day or two ahead of the ride to get used to the altitude.  Oh, and sometimes it snows on this ride.  (Inner voice -- “what are you thinking?”)  

With that -- the RAGBRAI announcement party is Saturday January 26.  You’re reading this post announcement and we, the Iowa Specialty Hospitals & Clinics RAGBRAI Team are already hard at work trying to find houses and yards to stay in or on during the week.  Know that I will be bugging you in the next month or so asking whether or not you have friends or family in a town along the route we can stay with.  Also, if you have a desire to ride a day, the week, be a driver for our U-Haul … help in any way, we’d really appreciate it.  This is a great Iowa Specialty Hospitals & Clinics engagement activity and wellness to boot.  Come join the fun!!!

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