Iowa Specialty Hospital

Notes from Steve

December 12, 2022

I was in NYC with my family for this past weekend, and we did most everything - tourist-wise.  Shopped, Broadway show, ate at great restaurants, subways, saw a rat jump on people (true story - in Times Square - freaked me out), walked a lot … Saw a lot of homeless people and dirty streets and needs.  In their own way - people helped out.  Despite the incredibly large amount of people and traffic - everything worked.  It ran … smoothly (?).  Despite the fact that we had no idea where we were going most of the time - New Yorkers came up to us and asked if we needed directions and graciously pointed us in the right direction.  We saw them give donations to musicians in the subway, vacating their seats on the subway to those who needed them - extending grace with a smile.  This is not the NYC I expected.  

As most of you know, we are going in the wrong way financially at ISH for this fiscal year.  We are analyzing all expenses and trying to cut to improve the financials.   Truthfully, this happens every five plus years … we’ve seen this before, and we know what to do.  But -- it’s never easy.  

How does chaos run smoothly?  How do you find the right way when you are faced with so many options?  

You face chaos with grace and understanding.  You help out when given the opportunity.  You offer your seat or help without being asked.  You do the right thing.

“I got this.”

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