Iowa Specialty Hospital

Notes from Steve

December 5, 2022

I’m headed to NYC for a long weekend with my sisters.  I was thinking yesterday that I’ve been to NYC a lot over the years*.  It’s Christmas there - all decorated, the big tree is being lit at the end of November, and everyone is filled with holiday glee.  Awesome.

Photo 1: Several people in Santa suits.  Photo 2: Steve and RobinIn 2019, I went to NYC with my friend Robin.  She’s a friend from way back in my New Hampshire days.  Every five years or so we do a trip somewhere - it was Manhattan at Christmas this time.  Specifically, it was the annual weekend of Santa-con.  (The 2nd weekend of December).  People dress up like Santa and do a pub crawl in downtown Manhattan starting at 7:30 in the morning.    My friends in the city were mortified with Santa-con and didn’t understand why anyone would do it.  I thought it looked like a ton of fun - it’s now on my bucket list.

I’ve written a lot lately about pushing the envelope and taking risks; thinking out of the box and being creative.  Looking at life as a series of opportunities as opposed to a continual black cloud of negativity. Doing stuff that may be initially uncomfortable, but will yield amazing memories.  Whether it’s donning a Santa suit and drinking cocktails at dawn or riding hundreds of miles with strangers or trying a new food that has a “weird texture” … look at 2023 as your year that you are going to try/do/eat/be something that is different. If nothing else, it’ll yield a memory.

* “a lot” to me means maybe a couple of dozen times.  I first went in 1982 with my high school band.  Our band director released us (four big buses of band kids) into Times Square and told us to be back in a couple of hours.  This probably wouldn’t happen today.  The city has changed a lot in the last forty years.  No matter how many times I go - I’m always overwhelmed.  Imagine Black Friday at the mall x 1000. 

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