Iowa Specialty Hospital

Notes from Steve

May 27, 2024

Memorial Day is unofficially the start of summer … supposedly unofficially ending on Labor Day.  Ok, that’s cool with me - I look forward to this every year.  I didn’t used to.  Summer wasn’t anything I looked forward to.  I was unhealthy, and I didn’t like hot, sticky weather* … but then I figured out how to enjoy, embrace and deal with the reality that is summer in Iowa.  (Ok, just to note: supposedly, there are going to be billions of cicadas flying around, and the advice is to keep your mouth shut because they will fly in your mouth.  This is enough for me to stay inside - yuck.)  Embracing reality and finding joy in all situations is so important to living a satisfying life.  
At church yesterday - a gal asked us to remember the true meaning of Memorial Day.**  She said it isn’t about bike rides or BBQs or camping - and she’s right.  Too often, we lose the meaning of holidays - we focus on bunnies and candy and gifts, and a lot of the time, the true meanings get lost.  I’m not asking that you do anything different or special; just remember and acknowledge.   
A lot of things have lost their meaning over the years and been replaced with stuff that makes money.  I’m trying to look at how I live my life and apply grace without cost.  It’s so hard in the face of influencers and advertising.  With Iowa Specialty Hospitals and Clinics as well, how do we help people become better humans - healthier in all aspects?  Massive goal, but if we don’t try, shame on us.  
*who does?  It’s gross.
**Memorial Day is a federal holiday in the United States for honoring and mourning the U.S. military personnel who died while serving in the United States Armed Forces.

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