Iowa Specialty Hospital

Notes from Steve

July 8, 2024

A common thing to say during this time of year is, “Where is the summer going?  Slow down!” Then, we all politely laugh and move on.  But seriously, people - where is it going??  It’s going crazy fast.  I know I’ll blink, and suddenly it’ll be November.  And it’ll snow.  

My friend, who’s riding with us on Ragbrai, was excited about one of the bands playing in one of the towns during the week.  She said, “They start playing at 9:30.” “At night?” I asked.  This is a serious problem for me because I will be in bed by then.  Someone said to me … it’s because you are old, but I have to disagree.  My mom said nothing good happens after dark, and I agree.  There is this wild party (10PM) that is unannounced with hard-core Ragbrai folk - it’s the “Wednesday before the Wednesday before Ragbrai” party ride, and it takes place in a trail tunnel.  I’ve seen pictures … it sounds wildly dangerous.  I won’t be going.

This is who I am - I am not a person who feels that being out after dark is a good idea (which is sometimes challenging in mid-January when it gets dark about 4:30).  I suppose life would be expanded, and I could enjoy the seasons more if I ventured out after dark, but I don’t think so.  (When I’ve traveled in Europe … everyone eats late, like around 10PM.  I don’t even understand this.  You’re just asking for heartburn.)  

So, because I’m only truly available during the daylight - I need to maximize these hours.  Do everything available and in the biggest way possible.  I like to think of myself as a burly greyhound - fastest dog ever. Yet, according to Wikipedia, they enjoy sleeping a lot.  Play hard … sleep harder.

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