Iowa Specialty Hospital

Notes from Steve

December 27, 2018

Last week I wrote my article on why “bah humbug” should -- not necessarily be appreciated but understood.  Society is made up of a variety of characters and holidays and winter (and a lot else) don’t always bring out the best.  Emotions of holidays with loved ones lost or thoughts back to better times or maybe just the blues ring true for a lot of people.  It’s very important to keep an eye out and ear open for those friends, family members or coworkers who may be struggling.  

As 2019 approaches, we are typically inclined to “do” something.  Lose weight, exercise, take more “me” time -- be a better person.  In the past, I was big on designating a word for myself to focus on for the year … “yes” “explore” “will” “breathe” “grace” … this year I think I’m going to use the theme - “imagine” like Iowa Specialty Hospitals & Clinics.  Not that I’ll be imagining myself in some off strange and different way, but perhaps a new lens will allow me to drop my barriers and see the world differently.  “I can’t do that” may become “hmmm … ok - if I tweak it a bit then it may work”.  Imagine.

A new year gives rise to all sorts of opportunity. I’ve spoke a lot over the last year about perspective. Friends and colleagues confide in me about their issues in life and a lot of times I smile.  I see they are given the gift of challenge.  Challenge is a test from the almighty to check our fortitude.  I firmly believe God gives us the test and how we deal with it determines our journey. 

I believe our paths are laid out and how fast we choose to go, whether we take the journey at all and our perspectives on the trip are all ours to own.  As you plan and look to the future, I urge you to do so knowing whatever comes your way is a gift - whether it’s good or bad, rocky or smooth. A well lived life is full of bumps in the road. 

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