Iowa Specialty Hospital

Notes from Steve

April 6, 2017

To make puff pastry you have to work really hard.  To quote the internet “While insanely delicious, puff pastry is also quite possibly one of the most finicky and labor-intensive things that you can make in the kitchen.”  Raising a kid is the same (and a cat for that matter).  If you want to raise them right, it will be really hard and definitely labor-intensive. Take my cat* for example; if I don’t spend an hour playing with him in the evening – he’ll wake up at 2:30 and howl until I get up and feed him and talk him down from his mid-night anxiety attack.  I remember a person who used to work here said that she hesitates to punish her kid by taking his driving privileges away because she’ll get stuck driving him.  Yep, it’s hard.

I was presenting at an LDI once, and I asked the leaders where the CEO was – “he’s out golfing”.  What? I didn’t come out and ask the staff “why?” but in my mind I questioned his priorities.  In my first couple of years here, I was on a ton of committees in Des Moines and spent a lot of time out of the office – the board in Clarion told me that my job was here, and I needed to reprioritize my time. What may seem like a good use of our time or not a good use of our time may result in lack of sleep or an intensely bratty teen that always gets their way … or an organization with so-so engagement; because engagement starts at the top.

Commercial time – the annual 5K walk/run at Lake Cornelia is scheduled for April 15th.  It’s a comfortable jog around the lake the day before Easter.  Last year I took 2nd in my division**.  It’s a great way to start off “your season of you”.  The registration is $20 ($30 for the family) or $5 more the day of.  You get some great exercise, maybe a medal, and a t-shirt.  

**my age group was small.  Two to be exact.

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