Iowa Specialty Hospital

Notes from Steve

September 1, 2016

Chips and dip were my dinner Sunday night. "Steve. Really? Chips and dip?" I justified this action by a long bike ride during the afternoon - with really hard hills. In actuality, the chips and dip cancelled out the long bike ride. My life is a series of break even activities. (Weight Watchers would give activity points so you could eat like a horse if you planned on running a marathon every afternoon. The said the key was not to eat your activity points but to use them to lose even more weight ... right ... lol ...)


To quote Pastor Bill - "A good time was had by all!" at the backyard party this last Saturday. And I agree! Thanks to everyone who came - and thank you to the Celebrations Committee, Tanja and crew, and Fancy That Catering - so awesome! Mother Nature came through and produced a beautiful evening and truly ... a good time was had by all. (Events like these make my heart feel good)

Seriously? Right now things are really good. I happen to love September. It is my favorite month and for good reasons. (Not like March, my second favorite month because I hate February so much ...) The weather is awesome in September, the colors are fantastic, and it just feels good. I'm hoping you all feel the positive energy right now. I hope when confronted with a negative situation you hug it out. I'm hoping when you feel like it - eat chips and dip or go on a long bike ride - or both. Who cares? It's September! I'm hoping you have wonderful celebrations with good friends this September. I'm hoping you smile and laugh a lot. 

By all these lovely tokens September days are here, 

With summer's best of weather 

And autumn's best of cheer

-Helen Hunt Jackson


-Steve Simonin, President & CEO

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