Iowa Specialty Hospital

Notes from Steve

May 14, 2015

This is hospital week.  This is the week where you all – for all the incredibly meaningful and difficult work you do on a 24/7, 365 basis – are to be acknowledged and recognized. AWESOME JOB! However, you do incredibly meaningful and difficult work all the time and truly, I want you to know that you ARE appreciated all the time.  “Really Steve?  How so?”  Ok, so if I really wanted to appreciate you in a manner that would show you how much you matter, I’d come over and clean your bathroom and then mow your lawn.  On top of  that I would cook you and your family dinner and groom your animals.  BUT … alas, that isn’t possible for 550 employees but if it was; I would be “Johnny on the spot” over to your house.


“So Steve, if you won’t come over and cook, mow, clean and groom; what will you do?”  I will thank you as much as I possibly can.  I will help to make this the best place to work.  I will fight hard to get you the  best leaders and benefits possible.  I will value you and respect the work you do daily.  I know that you give everything you’ve got to do an awesome job and I am so fortunate to work in an environment where people take their jobs as seriously as you take yours.


Thank you for everything you do.  Thank you for buying into a concept of what health care should look like – simply treating every single patient and/or customer like a family member and providing the ultimate in    service and quality.  I’m a lucky guy in that I’ve been blessed with a group of people, from employees to  volunteers to providers to community members who recognize this, and do it consistently.  When I had my “epiphany” 15 years ago, and saw what great healthcare should look like – this is what I envisioned— a fantastic system of dedicated individuals who understand that they make a difference on a daily basis.


Thank you for making a difference in my life.  You are all awesome.


-Steve Simonin, President & CEO


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