Iowa Specialty Hospital

Thoughts from Holly

June 1, 2020

Today is a very exciting day for me.  It is my turn to get my hair cut!!  I can’t wait.  Decisions decisions decisions now on what I want to do with my hair.  A change or just a trim…ugh.  Just like everything recently that we have taken for granted, now we have to wait for an extended period of time for that we are used to just having at our fingertips to do/get whenever it is scheduled has been a huge change. 

I have enjoyed planting flowers this Spring and we have been working on our landscaping and putting in new plants too.  We need some dry weather though so we can get this project finished.

We celebrated a wonderful holiday on Monday and last week Ryan and I took some of our Independent Living residents to cemeteries so they could put flowers on their loved ones graves.  It was so nice to be able to do this for them and they were so appreciative for getting out and seeing the beauty that god has made.  Wow what a great time that we all had! 

We are all hoping for sunshine to dry things out now and so that our plants, crops, grass etc. will grow.  Until we are able to have this consistently here is my challenge to all of us…."When you can't find the sunshine, Be the sunshine."

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