Iowa Specialty Hospital

Thoughts from Holly

November 14, 2022

I can’t believe it’s November already.  Fall has been a busy time for my husband and me - doing all of our typical fall things.  November is also the month for Thanksgiving.  I like to sit by myself and think of all of the things that I am thankful for every year.  This year is a little extra special for my husband and me.  

My husband’s aunt stopped over a couple of weeks ago and asked us to be the next generation of the family to be a part of a wonderful organization that we have here in Wright County.  Steve’s grandparents were one of a dozen couples who started up the Holmes Christmas Club.  This year will be the 79th year of this amazing organization.  We are very excited to help out this wonderful organization that raises money to give back to Wright County.  Last year, they raised a little over $54,000 from the auction and other donations to donate back to many organizations, causes, families with medical bills, and many other areas of support.  We feel very thankful to be a part of this wonderful organization that gives so much back to Wright County.

The annual auction is on Monday, November 21st, at the Red Shed in Clarion.  Please come out and join us for the fun, if you can!!


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