Iowa Specialty Hospital

Thoughts from Holly

May 6, 2019

We are in the midst of goal setting and planning for our next fiscal year.  This next year will once again bring us new challenges and opportunities that we will need to tackle head on.  Senior leadership has been preparing for our LDI (Leadership Development Institute) for the quarter and discussing how we are going to need to be much more innovative in the future; and with that how we coach and lead our teams to help them look at things differently moving forward. 

As we all know, technology is moving at a very rapid pace so with that being said we are going to need to move quickly as well if we want to stay competitive and vibrant in this ever changing healthcare environment.

We bought our senior a yearbook this year so as he looks back some day at his high school career he has a visual reminder of his high school friends, activities etc.   I received an email from the school wanting me to complete a survey if this is something that we feel that needs to continue or if they need to discontinue yearbooks or only have an online version available moving forward.  I was surprised by this but not sure that I should be.  I did respond and say keep the same.  I still pull mine out once in a while if I am with my high school friends or if I want to show my boys something from my high school days.  I’m sure that my opinion will probably be in the minority, but sometimes it’s hard to visualize something without having it at your fingertips.  I know that I need to be more innovative myself so as we move forward with all of these new and exciting changes coming we are all going to need to push each other and make sure that we stay cutting edge.

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