Iowa Specialty Hospital

Cardiopulmonary: Pulmonary/Respiratory Rehabilitation

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What is Pulmonary/Respiratory Rehabilitation?

The Iowa Specialty Hospital Pulmonary/Respiratory Rehabilitation Program is for patients with lung disorders. It seeks to slow down and minimize progression of the debilitating symptoms of lung disease by combining exercise with education, breathing retraining, nutritional counseling, and psychosocial support. Individualized programs can be set up for patients of all ages who suffer from any of a variety of lung disorders, such as COPD, asthma, chronic bronchitis, emphysema, or cystic fibrosis, as well as for lung transplant and lung reduction candidates.

The Pulmonary/Respiratory Rehabilitation program seeks to:
Man blows bubbles

  • Reduce patients' shortness of breath and the anxiety it brings

  • Increase exercise tolerance and ability to perform normal daily activities

  • Increase patients' understanding of their particular lung disorder

  • Teach patients to master proper use of respiratory medications

  • Teach patients to master proper breathing techniques

  • Reduce the possibility of hospitalizations

  • Instruct and motivate patients to start and maintain a home exercise program

  • Promote self-reliance and independence

How the Program Works:

After a referral is received from a physician, patients receive an extensive interview, and various tests are conducted by a respiratory therapist. Testing consists of full pulmonary function studies, a six- or twelve-minute walk test with oximetry, and a simple physical assessment. Test results are reviewed with your physician. After that time, an exercise program is customized to meet the patient's needs. The Pulmonary/Respiratory Rehabilitation Program meets two days per week. During these sessions, customized exercise programs are combined with group lectures from hospital personnel and a variety of topics consistent with the patient's program. Upon completion of the program, a hospital-based program, called Phase III or Fit For Life, is set up so patients can continue to maintain progress and healthy living habits.

For more information, please visit our Locations and Hours page for contact information or download the Pulmonary Rehabilitation brochure below.


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