Iowa Specialty Hospital

Radiology & Imaging: Coronary Calcium Scoring & Stroke Prevention Screening

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Coronary Calcium Scoring

Calcium scoring uses noninvasive, high-speed computed tomography (CT) to scan your heart and detect calcium deposits along the walls of arteries. The procedure then produces a “score” that identifies the number and locations of any calcium deposits, taking into account other factors such as age, family history and cholesterol level. Calcification in the coronary arteries is the earliest indicator of heart disease.

Reasons for the Procedure

Calcium scoring is one of the most advanced methods available to detect heart disease in its earliest stages. There’s no better time than now to prevent heart disease, because statistics like these continue to remind us of its tragic effects:

  • Every 34 seconds, an American suffers a heart attack.
  • Every minute an American dies from a heart attack.
  • 50% of men and 63% of women who die suddenly of heart disease have no previous symptoms.
  • About 80% of the people under 65 who died of heart disease did so during their first heart attack.
  • Heart disease is the leading cause of death for both men and women including the leading cause of death for African Americans, Hispanics, and Whites in the United States. Cardio Vascular disease claims more lives than all forms of cancer combined.

Stroke Prevention Screening

A stroke prevention screening provides early detection for people with disease risk factors. Iowa Specialty Hospital has certified ultrasound technicians perform screenings and a board certified radiologist review tests in-house.

By choosing to have a stroke prevention screening, you will be providing your provider with valuable information so that the two of you can be proactive about your health and your future.   

Though your provider may order preventive screenings, insurance providers often do not cover them unless you are having symptoms. Unfortunately more than 80% of all people who suffer a stroke show no obvious symptoms or warning signs.

Accuracy and quality are very important, so we make every effort to balance that with respect for your time. A typical screening takes approximately 30 to 45 minutes depending on the severity of disease, your vascular anatomy, and your body type.

Two or more of the following conditions put you at risk of having a stroke:

  • Cigarette Smoking
  • Diabetes
  • Family History of Strokes
  • Heart Disease
  • High Blood Pressure
  • High Cholesterol
  • Inactive Lifestyle
  • More than 20 lbs. Overweight
  • Over 40 Years Old
  • TIAs - Minor Strokes

Elective Procedures 

Please note that a coronary calcium scoring and a stroke prevention screening are elective procedures that are not covered by insurance.  While they are an out-of-pocket expense, they are important tests that provide baseline results for you to share with your provider for your continued healthcare.  To schedule either or both screenings, call 515-532-9353.

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