Iowa Specialty Hospital

Notes from Our Leaders - 2020 Archive

Notes from Steve

Newslines122220 The year that wasn’t fun, nice, full, happy, graceful But we made it thru … A friend asked me today what my word for 2021 is. “I don’t know” I told her. I would like the word “hope” but hoping for a good hand in poker is a loser...
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Thoughts from Holly

I hope you all had a wonderful holiday and were able to celebrate in some capacity with your families. Everyone is so hopeful that the vaccine will work and next year at this time we will be able to celebrate with our friends and family like we have in the...
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Notes from Steve

Merry Christmas! Years ago I used to get a Christmas card from some people in California that I never met, knew, or anything. I did a Google search and found nothing in common. They stopped sending them to me after a couple of years. (To tell you the truth, the...
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Amy's Reflections

Anyone that knows our family knows that we have numerous pets in our house at any given time. We have been known to foster/adopt pets from others that have to be re-homed. I am such a softy for anything in need, and my kids are always excited to welcome new...
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Notes from Steve

Under the title “The Answer to How is Yes” is the phrase - “Acting upon what matters”. (See photo.) In our daily and work life, how often are we of the perspective that it’s just easier to say no? I was talking with the pillar leaders the other day about...
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Greg's Greetings

I don’t know about the rest of you but this year our family Thanksgiving looked a lot different. This year we were not surrounded by the usual guests at our home – my father-in-law, mom, two sisters-in-law and their families, my oldest daughter and her husband, and our youngest daughter....
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Amy's Reflections

I was asked to share our reflections from 2020 at our leaders meeting this past week. I ended up putting together a PowerPoint with highlights for each month. Much to everyone’s surprise, we had a lot happen this past year besides COVID. It was really inspiring to look back and...
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Notes from Steve

I was considering my Christmas letter this year. I thought a whole page of swear words would be appropriate, but not necessarily as festive as I would like. I thought I could write a song and do a short video of interpretive dancing - but that would be a lot...
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A Word from Cindy

Gratitude Can Transform... When you read this Thanksgiving will be over, and my wish is that everyone had a very Blessed Day even though things were much different. I know for our family it was. Even though it was just our immediate family I think I made enough to feed...
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Notes from Steve

Jordan scolded me and told me to lighten up and don’t talk about Covid. Ok, I won’t … instead, I’ll write about a dreadful movie I saw last night. Don’t watch the movie “Downhill” with Julia Louis-Dreyfus and Will Ferrell. It was marketed as a comedy, but I don’t think...
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