Iowa Specialty Hospital

Notes from Our Leaders - 2020 Archive - Page 9

Notes from Steve

I’m writing this on Thursday morning, and it comes out on Monday so I hesitate putting anything about the pandemic because it’ll be out of date, and I’ll look at it and think … what the heck? So, other stuff. My forever foster cat eats only rotisserie chicken, and I...
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Greg's Greetings

A couple weeks ago, senior leadership had the great honor of listening to a presentation on Leader In Me. Mrs. Kakacek, the elementary guidance counselor, along with four 5th graders and two 2nd graders came to the hospital and shared what this program that they are doing in the Clarion-Goldfield-Dows...
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Notes from Steve

Since this past weekend was beautiful weather I thought I should ride my bike … regardless of the fact there were 25 mph winds from the south. It’s always great to ride with the wind to your back … it is beyond dreadful the other way. That’s a lot like...
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Amy's Reflections

Shaila was home for spring break last week and it was so nice to have all my babies under one roof again for a short period of time. With all the precautions for COVID-19 she will be home a little longer as they move to on-line classes. I know all...
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A Word from Cindy

March is here and the time change has happened - “Spring Forward”. I love this time of year when we start to have warmer weather, robins appear and the hint of green grass starts to come out. It is also a great reminder for us to start managing our focus...
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Notes from Steve

I was talking to a friend this week about moving on opportunities as they arise - grabbing the proverbial brass ring. Live with no regrets* - strike while the iron is hot - the window is closing soon, take advantage … I remember one thing my dad talked about before...
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Notes from Steve

A lot of times in life - we avoid situations that look imposing and not friendly. When faced with the choice, a human’s natural desire is to be safe and conservative. Know what you know, do what you do. But if we chose not to step into areas that may...
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Amy's Reflections

This is the time of year when I start to feel like I have a plan. As we look towards Spring and the warmer temperatures, I start to embrace the need to organizing. I wouldn’t go so far as to say embrace spring cleaning but definitely a desire to set...
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The Brief by Reagan

It seems like spring is almost here. The temperatures are coming up and the sun seems to be shining just a little brighter. This weekend we took the kids and two nephews snow tubing in Boone. We had a blast. The weather was warm and it made for a great...
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Notes from Steve

When I try and be compliant - do the right things to achieve a specific result and I check everything and then something - like my stupid new phone has other ideas - my world collapses. It’s like when it auto-corrects words and sentences into completely different meanings. I really...
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