Iowa Specialty Hospital

Notes from Our Leaders - 2024 Archive

Amy's Reflections

I was fortunate to have the opportunity to spend time with Maleigha at the fair this week for a horse show. There has been a bit of drama lately at the barn, and it was nice to have some time together to discuss the importance of having integrity and being...
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Notes from Steve

I was at band practice last night in the Annex (house next to the Clarion community garden) during the torrential downpour, and the basement actively started flooding. And we were in the basement! We moved everything up off the floor, but memories of 2009 or 2010 came back to me....
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Notes from Steve

A common thing to say during this time of year is, “Where is the summer going? Slow down!” Then, we all politely laugh and move on. But seriously, people - where is it going?? It’s going crazy fast. I know I’ll blink, and suddenly it’ll be November. And it’ll snow....
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Amy's Reflections

We have completed another fiscal year, and it has been an interesting one. I am always amazed at how much changes over the year with new employees starting, some retiring, new service lines, and, thankfully, this year's additional reimbursement models. As we look towards evaluations and prepare our self-evaluations, it...
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Notes from Steve

I had a dinner party Saturday night. I always second guess myself - I made Korean BBQ chicken (marinated in a blend of gochujang sauce, honey, etc. … it’s amazing …) and thought, “What if they don’t like Korean BBQ chicken?” … so, I had steaks as well. We had...
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Notes from Steve

Since last year - all my scheduled bike trips have been just on the edge of the apocalypse. Meaning - plagues of cicadas, record heat, driving wind and rain … like Mother Nature or God is saying, “Maybe not … ?”. Much to my chagrin, my strong and enduring “ride...
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Amy's Reflections

I was able to attend the Rural Hospital Leadership Forum hosted by the Iowa Hospital Association this past week. One of the speakers was Gretchen Evans, Retired U.S. Army Command Sergeant Major, who shared her story with the group. What a fascinating story of resilience and perseverance. Her career in...
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Notes from Steve

I’ve been playing music for most of my life. I was talking with a friend this last weekend about flow. Groove … harmony … balance … do you have an activity or something you do that you’ll look back on the time spent and ask yourself, “Where did the time...
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Notes from Steve

I told my friend I feel like a whirling dervish - busy and spinning out of control. Not really “out of control” … I know what I’m doing; it just feels like a lot. However, this is a matter of perspective; busy to me isn’t busy to you or anybody...
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