Iowa Specialty Hospital

Notes from Our Leaders - 2021 Archive - Page 3

Amy's Reflections

October is a really busy month for our family. We have a lot of birthdays in this month as well as anniversaries. Our anniversary is on the 23rd and the date has a special meaning to our families. My parents and Rick’s parents were both married on October 23, 1965,...
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The Brief by Reagan

Today it feels like fall, and football season. For those of you that don’t know, this fall is my first season helping coach the Belmond Varsity Football team. So far it has been a tough season filled with learning opportunities. There’s an old adage that says you learn more through...
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Notes from Steve

My friend said that she was in desperate need of a vacation. Ok and hmmm. I think the need to “get away” - at least for me - is not an issue of leaving town; it’s recalculating how I see and respond to reality. I think it’s safe to say...
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Amy's Reflections

Maleigha had her last horse performance of the year this weekend at Pumpkin and Ponies in Humboldt. It has been a crazy year of horse adventures, and I have loved every minute of watching her do what she loves. What are the consequences of pursuing your dreams? For Maleighait has...
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Notes from Steve

“Embrace the suck”. I went riding with friends in Minneapolis this past weekend. We’ve been trying to schedule this for a couple of years - so this was the weekend; rain or shine. It poured. It started about 12 miles into the route and the rain chances were iffy -...
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Thoughts from Holly

Fall has just arrived, and it’s a season of many changes. It’s also the time of year that we start to gear up for our Employee Hardship fundraisers. We have some new ideas that we are excited to share with you as well as things that we have done in...
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Amy's Reflections

A few years ago, we were challenged to share with a group what lead us to get into healthcare or what gives us passion for healthcare. Usually it is something personal or a desire to serve others and make a difference. I am definitely motivated by that sense of accomplishment...
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Notes from Steve

I had some old salsa in my fridge that I thought was a little sour, but Jordan said “eh, its fine” so I ate it. It was also bubbling a bit … I probably just got poisoned. I’m monitoring the situation closely. (On WebMD I’m searching “ptomaine poisoning” … and...
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Greg's Greetings

They say life is full with ups and downs. The trick is to enjoy the good times and to have the courage to go through the bad ones. This is so very true in health care. However, when it comes to your kids it is much easier said than done....
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