Iowa Specialty Hospital

Notes from Our Leaders - Page 13

Enjoy these weekly insights from our Senior Leadership team.

Senior Leaders include: Steve Simonin, President & CEO; Amy McDaniel, Belmond CEO; Beth Carder, CNO; Cindy Hunter, CQO; Holly Martin, HRO; Greg Polzin, CFO; Regan Swisher, CCO; and Ashley Recknor, Specialty Services Officer.


Amy's Reflections

It is officially Spring, and with that comes a sense of renewed purpose and motivation. I must admit I haven’t had much for motivation over the last few months, and my house certainly shows that’s true. However, with some warmer weather I finally feel like digging in and cleaning out...
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Notes from Steve

Be Motivated. I was at a session with Quint Studer yesterday in Chicago at the annual congress of the ACHE*. One of Quint’s big things he’s doing nowadays is to tell people that he loves them. He said it’s important. It makes people feel awkward but regardless, it’s a big...
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Beth's Blog

I love this time of year. Not because of the small amounts of dirty snow still on the ground or the muddiness it brings, but because of the anticipation of green grass, more sunny days, and the warmth that is sure to come. I love warm and sunny locations such...
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Notes from Steve

Be loyal. Loyalty is an interesting notion. We (society) are so fickle nowadays. If we don’t like “x” - we’ll leave, change, or ignore. We’re loyal as long as our needs are being met. If you have ever had a cat - and I have, so I’m an expert -...
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Notes from Steve

Be knowledgeable. Maybe it’s the weather … overcast and dampish … but today as I’m writing this -- “be knowledgeable” means “don’t be ignorant”. Back in the day, I loved being a clueless kid with no cares in the world. Ignorance was bliss. Now, I know things. And it keeps...
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Amy's Reflections

As I shared in my last article, Maleigha is getting ready for the Iowa Horse Fair Cowgirl Queen Contest the weekend of the 24th-26th. One of the pieces of this queen contest is an equine knowledge test. Last week we were reviewing her results from last year, and she scored...
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From Ashley's Perspective

JOYFUL What is joyful? According to, joyful is experiencing, causing or showing joy: HAPPY. So, the next question is, when was the last time you were truly joyful? Many of us are trying to juggle many different things from home and here at work, and get caught up in...
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Notes from Steve

Be Joyful. When I came to Clarion - more than a quarter of a century ago - I played guitar for a group of young grade schoolers at the Methodist Church. They were named the Joyful Noisemakers. Jordan - our Executive Assistant - and her siblings were singers in this...
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Amy's Reflections

Maleigha is going to participate in the Iowa Horse Fair Cowgirl Queen Contest coming up at the end of March. One of the things they get to do is decorate posters to share a little more about themselves and their horse. This year, we have decided that her theme will...
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