Iowa Specialty Hospital

Notes from Our Leaders - Page 37

Enjoy these weekly insights from our Senior Leadership team.

Senior Leaders include: Steve Simonin, President & CEO; Amy McDaniel, Belmond CEO; Beth Carder, CNO; Cindy Hunter, CQO; Holly Martin, HRO; Greg Polzin, CFO; Regan Swisher, CCO; and Ashley Recknor, Specialty Services Officer.


Notes from Steve

I went out riding on Saturday because at the time I thought it would be fun. It was 20 degrees and it was definitely not fun. I thought I was going to lose my toes on my left foot. My new quest is to figure out how to warm the...
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Notes from Steve

Ok, so this is the fourth time rewriting this column this week. There is so much happening in the world and I don’t know about you but my emotions are in a big jumble. I was going to write about leaning up life. Cutting out the unnecessary steps that add...
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The Brief by Reagan

I am not sure what’s going on, but today as I write this its 37 degrees outside and the snow is melting. It seems more like spring than Iowa winter. I’m sure in a week or two I’ll regret even bringing the temperature up as it will inevitably be back...
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Amy's Reflections

We added a new puppy to the household over Christmas. I tried to forewarn the kids how much work this new puppy was going to be, but nothing could dim their excitement. Needless to say he is adorable and has taken over almost all aspects of our lives. We have...
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Notes from Steve

Newslines122920 I bought a replacement car yesterday. It’s because I swore, two weeks ago, that I was keeping my vehicle forever. I can never make a definitive statement like that because I will jinx it. I called up the dealership and bought the same exact (later model) car - a...
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Notes from Steve

Newslines122220 The year that wasn’t fun, nice, full, happy, graceful But we made it thru … A friend asked me today what my word for 2021 is. “I don’t know” I told her. I would like the word “hope” but hoping for a good hand in poker is a loser...
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Thoughts from Holly

I hope you all had a wonderful holiday and were able to celebrate in some capacity with your families. Everyone is so hopeful that the vaccine will work and next year at this time we will be able to celebrate with our friends and family like we have in the...
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Notes from Steve

Merry Christmas! Years ago I used to get a Christmas card from some people in California that I never met, knew, or anything. I did a Google search and found nothing in common. They stopped sending them to me after a couple of years. (To tell you the truth, the...
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Amy's Reflections

Anyone that knows our family knows that we have numerous pets in our house at any given time. We have been known to foster/adopt pets from others that have to be re-homed. I am such a softy for anything in need, and my kids are always excited to welcome new...
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Notes from Steve

Under the title “The Answer to How is Yes” is the phrase - “Acting upon what matters”. (See photo.) In our daily and work life, how often are we of the perspective that it’s just easier to say no? I was talking with the pillar leaders the other day about...
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