Iowa Specialty Hospital

Notes from Our Leaders - Page 30

Enjoy these weekly insights from our Senior Leadership team.

Senior Leaders include: Steve Simonin, President & CEO; Amy McDaniel, Belmond CEO; Beth Carder, CNO; Cindy Hunter, CQO; Holly Martin, HRO; Greg Polzin, CFO; Regan Swisher, CCO; and Ashley Recknor, Specialty Services Officer.


Amy's Reflections

A few years ago, we were challenged to share with a group what lead us to get into healthcare or what gives us passion for healthcare. Usually it is something personal or a desire to serve others and make a difference. I am definitely motivated by that sense of accomplishment...
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Notes from Steve

I had some old salsa in my fridge that I thought was a little sour, but Jordan said “eh, its fine” so I ate it. It was also bubbling a bit … I probably just got poisoned. I’m monitoring the situation closely. (On WebMD I’m searching “ptomaine poisoning” … and...
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Greg's Greetings

They say life is full with ups and downs. The trick is to enjoy the good times and to have the courage to go through the bad ones. This is so very true in health care. However, when it comes to your kids it is much easier said than done....
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Notes from Steve

This is a very strange time in our society. I’ve told a lot of people that a year ago we (in response to Covid) were all pulling in the same direction. Now? It’s a divided community. Whether politically, or vaccination status, or a variety of other controversial topics; it feels...
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Amy's Reflections

Maleigha had a fun show with her horse this past weekend. It is so crazy to watch how much she has grown in such a short period of time. Her very first show was at this same location, and in her first event her horse took off across the arena...
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Notes from Steve

The 20th year anniversary of the 9-11 tragedy is upon us. I, as most, remember exactly where I was and the helplessness and horror I felt. The next year on 9-11 was my mom’s funeral. Over the years, it feels like this time of year is poignant and full of...
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Notes from Steve

I have menu envy really bad (wishing I would have ordered what the person at the next table got, every time I go to a restaurant). I now have it for everything I buy. I just got a new couch and chair for my living room. I ordered from an...
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A Word from Cindy

Last week we had the opportunity to virtually host DNV surveyors for our annual survey. This year was our second year of a virtual survey. Over the last year, we have all learned how to maneuver the zoom meeting world. Sharing and reviewing documents, giving tours of the facilities, having...
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Notes from Steve

Empathy. My real life example of why I should be more empathic was brought to life on a bike ride on the Raccoon River Valley Trail in Waukee, Iowa on Sunday with my friend, Laurie. I never rode with Laurie before, and we were talking and enjoying the day -...
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From Ashley's Perspective

Finding Common Ground~ I recently had an opportunity to attend the National Common Ground Conference. Common Ground is an organization of farmers that focuses on having conversations about how food is grown and produced with consumers. With that in mind, at the conference there was a panel of six mothers...
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