Iowa Specialty Hospital

Notes from Our Leaders - Page 63

Enjoy these weekly insights from our Senior Leadership team.

Senior Leaders include: Steve Simonin, President & CEO; Amy McDaniel, Belmond CEO; Beth Carder, CNO; Cindy Hunter, CQO; Holly Martin, HRO; Greg Polzin, CFO; Regan Swisher, CCO; and Ashley Recknor, Specialty Services Officer.


Notes from Steve

It was announced at the employee meeting this morning there would be an active shooting drill sometime soon. I hate this. I hate that kids have to practice what would happen if a shooter came into their school. I hate that this is our reality. What is it that would...
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Thoughts from Holly

I’m next on the list! Just as Greg wrote, when I was asked to participate in writing in the Pinnacle, I also had some anxiety. However, we have a great team of Senior Leaders, and after thinking this over for a couple of days, this is a great opportunity for...
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Amy's Reflections

“Your character is formed by the challenges you face and overcome.” ~ Nick Vujicic May is such a busy month at our house. Three of my four kids have May birthdays, so they are busy making grand plans about gifts and parties. It is also the time of year where...
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Notes from Steve

I know spring* is here because birds are slamming into my windows at home with abandon. Scares me every time. I’m always astounded and amazed at their ability to look dead for 10 minutes and then hop up, shake it off and fly away. Resilience is powerful. I think, as...
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Greg's Greetings

My turn! Steve has asked that all senior leaders take a turn in writing in the Pinnacle. When this was first suggested, I am not going to lie – I had a little anxiety. However, after I thought about it more, we are asking everyone lately to do things that...
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Notes from Steve

A picture in my room fell down which I decided without hesitation that it was because my house is haunted. Years ago, my psychic friend Tami who was staying at my house for a couple of nights burned a smudge stick (sage) and sprinkled salt in my corners* to help...
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Amy's Reflections

“People who use time wisely spend it on activities that advance their overall purpose in life.” ―John C. Maxwell This morning at our monthly medical staff meeting Kim Heller presented an abbreviated version of an exercise that we did at our last leadership development meeting. The exercise required to the...
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Notes from Steve

Someone said to me recently that after reading my columns for the past month, they felt I needed a hug. Hmmm … I’m not a huggy person so don’t do that. I went back and reread my words and ok, I was a bit down in the dumps – probably...
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Notes from Steve

I saw some guy’s professional photo, and it looked like someone told him bad news. It was more of a “I just accidently drank sour milk” photo. They have this thing called retakes. In this world of millions of selfies, there is no excuse – practice the look man, practice!...
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Amy's Reflections

"A group becomes a team when all members are sure enough of themselves and their contributions to praise the skill of others." ~ Anonymous Maleigha participated in a volleyball camp in the month of March, and then they decided to continue and play some tournaments in April. They had their...
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