Iowa Specialty Hospital

Notes from Our Leaders - Page 70

Enjoy these weekly insights from our Senior Leadership team.

Senior Leaders include: Steve Simonin, President & CEO; Amy McDaniel, Belmond CEO; Beth Carder, CNO; Cindy Hunter, CQO; Holly Martin, HRO; Greg Polzin, CFO; Regan Swisher, CCO; and Ashley Recknor, Specialty Services Officer.


Notes from Steve

Behind every great healthcare system is a Dr. Michael Whitters. Now most of you know Dr. Mike for his amazing bedside manner and medical skills – but little known, is the guy who quietly leads from the back of the pack with determination and love. Personally, I don’t think I...
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Amy's Reflections

“Give yourself a gift of five minutes of contemplation in awe of everything you see around you. Go outside and turn your attention to the many miracles around you. This five-minute-a-day regimen of appreciation and gratitude will help you to focus your life in awe.” ~ Wayne Dyer I was...
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Notes from Steve

Communication – Proverbs 12:17 “A good man is known by his truthfulness.” My good friend Jen told me once that if you want to excel in life it helps to be a good communicator. I’ve been struggling with communication as of late. The message in my head doesn’t always come...
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Notes from Steve

“Welcome to the next chapter in the story of your life journey” … I told this to someone yesterday and I thought, “hmmm, that’s cool”. So we all have these curves and twists that define our path – a lot of times we remember them because they are stamped in...
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Amy's Reflections

“Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.” - Carol Burnett We had confirmation this Sunday, and Shaila was confirmed and I officially joined the Catholic Church. In order to complete my education and be able to join the church I had to participate in...
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Notes from Steve

A friend from Iowa City said that I should run against Representative King because the person running against him in 2018 said she was dropping out of the race. After laughing and sighing deeply, I said “absolutely not”. The political situation is so drama filled and toxic right now, I...
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Notes from Steve

I had a lot of time to think this past weekend as I put about a hundred miles on my bike; rode a couple of trails down around Des Moines. As I pedaled I came to the conclusion that I’ve been wrong about a lot of stuff in life. Don’t...
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Amy's Reflections

“Let me encourage you to get up every day and focus on what you do have in life. Be thankful for the blessings of the little things, even when you don't get what you expect.” - Victoria Osteen As we come to the end of another school year and prepare...
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Notes from Steve

Last week on vacation, my one “ah-hah!” moment was in the hotel gym. It had mirrors all around, and I watched myself as I ran. I saw that I looked really stupid when I ran. My gait is too short, and I run with an old person shuffle. (long, dreadful...
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Notes from Steve

So I was in Tucson this week. Did I miss anything?? “Yeesh!” on everything … seems like the weather apocalypse happened while I was gone. (The folks of Tucson were equally mortified … it was 53 degrees one morning, I know, gasp.) You all are troopers, and I’m so glad...
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