Iowa Specialty Hospital

Notes from Our Leaders - Page 57

Enjoy these weekly insights from our Senior Leadership team.

Senior Leaders include: Steve Simonin, President & CEO; Amy McDaniel, Belmond CEO; Beth Carder, CNO; Cindy Hunter, CQO; Holly Martin, HRO; Greg Polzin, CFO; Regan Swisher, CCO; and Ashley Recknor, Specialty Services Officer.


Notes from Steve

I live in fear that as I age my remaining days will be spent bumbling around looking for my keys or something like that. I know that there are all sorts of tactics and stuff one can use to exercise the brain, but I think I might be just as...
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Thoughts from Holly

We are now two weeks into the New Year and I hope everyone has made their resolutions if this something that you do. As you heard at the QEM’s our theme for this New Year is Imagine… My challenge to each of us is to look at something that we...
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Notes from Steve

I was telling someone recently how the word “quiet” is forbidden at the nurse’s station because it’s a jinx … say it and we’ll get busy. I also told them how if we are not busy I will go down and do a “quiet” dance and sing the word quiet...
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Amy's Reflections

Happy New Year! Hopefully 2019 is off to a great start for you and your family. Each new year brings us change and growth and I am always excited to see what the new year brings. At the same time I am always a little sad to see the end...
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Notes from Steve

A 2019 global goal that I read on twitter: “Pry open the box you hide your joy in.” Deep. I was thinking about this locked box with my joy … What does joy look like and how do we unlock or unleash our joy often? I think sometimes we bind...
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Notes from Steve

Last week I wrote my article on why “bah humbug” should -- not necessarily be appreciated but understood. Society is made up of a variety of characters and holidays and winter (and a lot else) don’t always bring out the best. Emotions of holidays with loved ones lost or thoughts...
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Greg's Greeting

On December 13th and 14th I had the honor of being invited to the Rural Health Forum held by the Iowa Department of Public Health and the Iowa Healthcare Collaborative. There were great people from all aspects of the healthcare field in attendance including providers, policy makers, public health staff,...
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Amy's Reflections

This week we hosted a joint Board retreat and presented our strategic plan. We started the evening off by sharing our presentation from QEMs which gave the Boards a good reminder of our foundation. We then split into small groups and had more strategic discussions about the individual pillars of...
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Notes from Steve

This was Christmas 1968. I was in the front row on the right in the blue pajamas. I was seriously not happy - as everyone else, besides me got themed pajamas, but I got normal blue ones. This probably was the start of my bah-humbugging perspective on Christmas. It’s not...
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A Word from Cindy

The Holiday Season is upon us with the hustle and bustle of finding the perfect gift, making those special cookies, attending the holiday programs, and spending time with family and friends. This is a lot to get done in a few short weeks along with the time you spend at...
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