Iowa Specialty Hospital

Notes from Our Leaders - Page 6

Enjoy these weekly insights from our Senior Leadership team.

Senior Leaders include: Steve Simonin, President & CEO; Amy McDaniel, Belmond CEO; Beth Carder, CNO; Cindy Hunter, CQO; Holly Martin, HRO; Greg Polzin, CFO; Regan Swisher, CCO; and Ashley Recknor, Specialty Services Officer.


Notes from Steve

Be Zen. Last word of the year! And – as someone whose goal is to be grounded in all that I do – this is an especially important “Bee ‘word’” for me. Zen, to me, is a calm, reflective state of being. It’s harmonic and contemplative. Kind of like me...
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Amy's Reflections

Be You One of the things I have always encouraged my children to be is authentically themselves. We have had many conversations over the years about not changing who you are to fit in or to make others like you. This is a perfect time of year to start focusing...
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Notes from Steve

Be you. Maybe it’s just me … but I find myself always trying to define myself (“Who am I?”). I go by the mirror or see a picture or hear myself on a recording and think, “Who is that? Is that how I come across?” Being “you” is at the...
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Notes from Steve

Be eXceptional. Last week, I was introducing myself to a new advisory board that I’m on (rural health – nationwide group). It’s a small board, and they were asking the question, “If you were to ask ‘What is the one word propelling you forward in helping rural health this next...
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Notes from Steve

Be worthy. How do I define myself as worthy? As a good Iowan who learned from the best (my mom), I don’t go anywhere without something to add. I was brought up to bring a “dish to share” … (usually a bottle of nice red wine). That’s not enough, though....
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Amy's Reflections

Be Worthy This past week at LDI, we were fortunate to have a speaker who talked about the power of being self-aware and how to grow our self-awareness. When I think about the theme for this week of be worthy, it makes me think of my own character and actions....
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Notes from Steve

Be Valuable. I was thinking, “What do I consider valuable in my life?” Obviously, family and friends and everyone and everything at Iowa Specialty Hospital and Clinics, and stuff like that … but what from a material perspective do I consider valuable? As I look around my house and think,...
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Amy's Reflections

Be Unbreakable When I think about the word for this week, I think about the strong female role models in my life and the lessons they taught me. The first one is my mom. My dad passed away when I was nine years old, and although it was a terrible...
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Notes from Steve

Be unbreakable. I’m done with skiing*. For the most part, I don’t run outside anymore. I’m fairly up on the state of my health. I get vaccinated when possible. I avoid sickness. I get enough sleep, and I meditate daily. Am I unbreakable? Not at all – but I try...
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