Iowa Specialty Hospital

Notes from Our Leaders - Page 23

Enjoy these weekly insights from our Senior Leadership team.

Senior Leaders include: Steve Simonin, President & CEO; Amy McDaniel, Belmond CEO; Beth Carder, CNO; Cindy Hunter, CQO; Holly Martin, HRO; Greg Polzin, CFO; Regan Swisher, CCO; and Ashley Recknor, Specialty Services Officer.


Notes from Steve:

I’m on vacation this week. Hopefully, I’m having a good time. I wrote this before I left. I host book club monthly at my place in Des Moines. The last book we read was Furiously Happy by Jenny Lawson. She writes about her life perspective and how she deals with...
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Greg's Greetings

This year we have been asking staff the question – what is your word? For me, I chose the word “integrity.” According to Google, the magnificent seven aspects of integrity are honesty, respect, generating trust, pride, responsibility, keeping promises, and helping others. This word reminds me that I have work...
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Amy's Reflections

I can’t believe it is already May, and what a busy month this is going to be. Between graduations, finishing up school and summer sports, there doesn’t seem to be much downtime. Three of my four babies have May birthdays. I use the term babies loosely as the boys will...
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Notes from Steve

I have a loft in Des Moines. There is this annual party (because of Covid, it hasn’t happened for 3 years). It’s called The Party to the Top, and every floor of this five story building has one or two lofts open so the curious can snoop. I opened mine...
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A Word from Cindy

As April showers bring us May flowers, we think of a new season including warmer weather, green grass, and flowering bushes all starting new from the long cold winter. There are also many new beginnings happening at Iowa Specialty Hospitals & Clinics. The day this is published our new Wester...
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Notes from Steve

I was in Washington DC this last week with the Iowa Hospital Association delegation at the American Hospital Association annual conference. If you haven’t been to Washington DC, please try and go sometime - it’s amazing. Lots of history represented - from Arlington Cemetery to memorials to museums … the...
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Amy's Reflections

It seems like we are on a roller coaster, and we are on the down slope of a big hill as we head towards the end of the school year. Each one of my kids has had to make some tough decisions lately between different activities and which one they...
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Notes from Steve

I’ve been listening to jazz lately. I’m not a huge fan of unstructured* jazz, but right now it’s meeting my needs. I played guitar in the high school jazz band, and we used to go to contest at Eppley Auditorium on the campus of Morningside College. It was a very...
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Notes from Steve

Inflation seems to be the topic of the moment. Gas prices are extreme; food prices and everything else seems to be going up. I see posts on Facebook comparing our current gas prices to prices in late 2020. Personally, I don’t think any comparison to anything that happened in the...
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