Iowa Specialty Hospital

Notes from Our Leaders - Page 74

Enjoy these weekly insights from our Senior Leadership team.

Senior Leaders include: Steve Simonin, President & CEO; Amy McDaniel, Belmond CEO; Beth Carder, CNO; Cindy Hunter, CQO; Holly Martin, HRO; Greg Polzin, CFO; Regan Swisher, CCO; and Ashley Recknor, Specialty Services Officer.


Amy's Reflections

Christmas is far and away my favorite holiday. I love everything about it, from the event that inspired it, hoping for a white one, to wrapping presents. But mostly I love having family and friends gathered, and sharing traditions. ~ Ellen Hopkins As I think about this holiday season, I...
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Notes from Steve

Accountability is not fun. I was having dinner with friends the other night, and I told them of my grand idea to pay someone to make sure I’m doing my exercise and food diary, and if I’m not, then they hold me accountable. (Ideally they’d come over to my house...
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Amy's Reflections

Don't Make Assumptions. Find the courage to ask questions and to express what you really want. Communicate with others as clearly as you can to avoid misunderstandings, sadness and drama. With just this one agreement, you can completely transform your life. ~ Don Miguel Ruiz Well it’s official; I have...
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Notes from Steve

I’m reminded of the movie in the 70’s The Pink Panther where Peter Sellers, Inspector Clouseau, nervously scours his apartment anticipating getting attacked by his man servant, Cato, in an effort to keep the Inspector aware and alert. This is like me and my new cat. I am constantly on...
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Notes from Steve

My words for 2017 are “Embrace yes with grace.” Essentially, accept and welcome change without freaking out. My other resolutions are no cookies, candy, ice cream, chips and no appetizers before meals. I’m great with everything except the no appetizers. That will be my struggle (at this new restaurant Vivian...
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Amy's Reflections

“Shared joy is a double joy; shared sorrow is half a sorrow.”— Swedish proverb December seems like such a busy time of year as we try to fit everything in before the holidays. We have winter concerts, school parties, church programs, and sporting events all over the calendar. We attended...
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Notes from Steve

My new cat has been biting me non-stop. I was lying in bed last week, not terrified; but on the path, thinking “this is not working”. I had come to the conclusion that my new, one year old cat was insane – running hither and yon, causing all sorts of...
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Notes from Steve

This week is Thanksgiving. Even though I’m not always full of bubbling gratitude; I’m thankful for a lot of things. “What?” The cat I got last week literally climbed the walls all night, last night. He was insane. Today, though, he’s good, and I’m thankful (exhausted but thankful) for him....
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Amy's Reflections

“No one is useless in this world who lightens the burdens of another.” ― Charles Dickens Happy Thanksgiving Week! We should all take time to stop and be thankful more in our lives. One of the things we like to do over supper is ask the kids to share one...
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Notes from Steve

I got one cat. I’m calling him Buddy even though the animal rescue league named him Elvis. Elvis is not a cat name, and I’m not calling my cat Elvis*. I originally was going to get two buddy cats, but they were really painfully shy to the point of hissing...
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