Iowa Specialty Hospital

Notes from Our Leaders - Page 83

Enjoy these weekly insights from our Senior Leadership team.

Senior Leaders include: Steve Simonin, President & CEO; Amy McDaniel, Belmond CEO; Beth Carder, CNO; Cindy Hunter, CQO; Holly Martin, HRO; Greg Polzin, CFO; Regan Swisher, CCO; and Ashley Recknor, Specialty Services Officer.


Amy's Reflections

The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new. - Socrates Quite a few of us attended the EPIC kickoff in Iowa City this week and were able to learn more about the plan and timeline for the...
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Notes from Steve

Yesterday, Ania Renteria received the Iowa Hospital Association Hospital Hero Award. This is awesome!! So I was thinking about this award. The IHA Hospital Hero award is definitely a very cool honor bestowed upon people from across the state for various reasons. Anyone who has gone through orientation in the...
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Notes from Steve

Thank you all for your concerns and comments last week regarding my infestation. The culprit was found in the basement – Craig the painter at my house named the mouse “Marty” and said “Marty” had an anxiety induced heart attack following a trial with a sticky trap. He then left...
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Amy's Reflections

Carve your name on hearts, not tombstones. A legacy is etched into the minds of others and the stories they share about you. ― Shannon L. Alder We had an open house for Linda Loux’s retirement on Monday and what an amazing turnout. It was truly a tribute to her...
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Notes from Steve

A mouse ran across my living room last week. I hate mice. I completely freaked out and now have traps set all over my house. I now wear shoes all the time in the house and carry a flashlight with me wherever I go. My large dormant cat pointed out...
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Notes from Steve

I was telling a friend last night that my life is in a weird place. I’ve been wishing and praying that I can clear off my plate a lot of leadership “duties” and just enjoy life. Well, over the last 3 to 6 months I sold grounded and moved to...
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Amy's Reflections

Unity is strength... when there is teamwork and collaboration, wonderful things can be achieved. - Mattie Stepanek We are quickly approaching the first day of fall which is September 23rd. This is by far my favorite season of the year as I love the fall leaves, the cooler weather and...
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Notes from Steve

Fear & Grace. My phone rang early this morning. A friend was seeking permission to push her daughter out of the car. (thank god she wasn’t serious … at least I don’t think she was …) She was taking her daughter away to school for the first time, and the...
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Amy's Reflections

Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail. - Ralph Waldo Emerson Have you ever wondered if you are on the right path? Daily I encounter individuals that are struggling with this very thing. We have all been in...
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Notes from Steve

Yesterday I was telling a friend that I usually only compete or participate if I can win or dominate. (… she had a long serious pause …) “Ok, well that is a very brave observation and so if you want to evolve, how are you going change that?” Me being...
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