Iowa Specialty Hospital

Notes from Our Leaders - Page 20

Enjoy these weekly insights from our Senior Leadership team.

Senior Leaders include: Steve Simonin, President & CEO; Amy McDaniel, Belmond CEO; Beth Carder, CNO; Cindy Hunter, CQO; Holly Martin, HRO; Greg Polzin, CFO; Regan Swisher, CCO; and Ashley Recknor, Specialty Services Officer.


Thoughts from Holly

It has been the best summer for me. I love the hot weather and could live in 85 degree weather all year long. One of my favorite things to do in early spring is find a spot in the sun and sit outside and let that warm air hit me....
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A Message from the CEO - August '22

The definition of a bridezilla is “A woman whose behavior in planning her wedding is regarded as obsessive or intolerably demanding.” The whole concept is terrifying to me. To be obsessive or intolerably demanding? Shocking. (“Steve,” my inner voice says, “you are frequently obsessive and intolerably demanding.”...Long, deep sigh...) The...
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Amy's Reflections

My last two weeks have been filled with life lessons about chasing your dreams and following your passion. Within the last two weeks, Shaila passed her nursing boards, put an offer on a house, and will start a new job this week. It has been a tough road to get...
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Notes from Steve

My dad used to tell me that one of the principals of his school once told him “There’s nothing wrong with a comfortable rut”. I’m of the thinking that there is a lot wrong with a comfortable rut and tried to live my life so I wouldn’t fall into a...
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Notes from Steve

August for me is a month of reflection. It is the time when summer winds down; it sometimes feels sad and nostalgic to me because a lot of friends and family passed this month. The dog days of summer weather are usually hot and dry, and not always conducive to...
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Greg's Greetings

Normally the last week of July is when we take a family vacation. If you know my wife, this is pretty much mandatory. The vacation usually involves my wife and I, our oldest daughter (Hope) and her husband, as well as our youngest daughter (Eden) and her boyfriend. We pick...
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Notes from Steve

My mom used to make us Brussels sprouts, and they were dreadful; bitter and mushy and generally horrid. But then Deb Short made them, and they were amazing. I’m not sure there was anything healthy about them, but I love Brussels sprouts to this day - made however (except the...
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Amy's Reflections

I can’t believe it is already August! This summer flew by, and we will soon be getting back into the school routine. Fortunately this year, I have two additional drivers who can run their sister to all of her activities. Fall is by far my favorite season, and I am...
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A Word from Cindy

As the summer heat is upon us, I hope you have been enjoying some of this great summer weather. Summer seems to get shorter each year. We are now only about a month away from kids going back to school! How is that possible? Fairs, parades, farmers markets, ballgames, camping...
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Notes from Steve

Better to be interested than interesting I’m on Ragbrai this week - going across Iowa in spectacular fashion. There’s a lot of us doing it (both on the ISH team and in total - like twenty thousand tops they say), and for the past couple of months I’ve suffered from...
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