Iowa Specialty Hospital

Notes from Our Leaders - Page 49

Enjoy these weekly insights from our Senior Leadership team.

Senior Leaders include: Steve Simonin, President & CEO; Amy McDaniel, Belmond CEO; Beth Carder, CNO; Cindy Hunter, CQO; Holly Martin, HRO; Greg Polzin, CFO; Regan Swisher, CCO; and Ashley Recknor, Specialty Services Officer.


Amy's Reflections

After watching the video from QEMS five different times, I decided to challenge my family with a phone free day. So, this past Sunday we put our phones away and enjoyed conversation and connecting with one another. We were almost late for church as no one knew what time it...
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Notes from Steve

Last Saturday, November 9th it was warm enough for a long bike ride in Des Moines. I was smiling like an idiot the whole time and waving at everyone I passed. My mood was for the most part giddy because it probably was the last ride of the year and...
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Amy's Reflections

I survived the final college transition with Shaila this month where she no longer needs to talk to me every day. It was a rough transition for this momma, but I am super happy that she is settled in college and enjoying her friends. She came home for the weekend...
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Notes from Steve

The concept of wants versus needs has been resting on my mind. Sometimes, my “wants” are truly “needs” and vice versa. As in “I need Doritos because I need Doritos” or “I want to exercise but I just never have the time”. I’ve always said don’t prioritize your schedule but...
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Notes from Steve

I broke my friend’s cat (she’s 9 which is like 55 in human years) that I’m cat-sitting for 5 months while my friend is in Thailand. By broke, I mean the cat (her name is McKenzie, I call her Fred) was trained to use a cat box that she had...
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Amy's Reflections

Our family has definitely been supporting the ISH system this last month. Three of my four kids ended up with concussions for various reasons. I think we have the protocols for concussions down now. The concussions started with Jacob being blindsided in a football game. It took him a couple...
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Notes from Steve

I thought about writing about the RAGBRAI debacle. It’s been top of mind for me since last week. For those who aren’t following the “debacle” - the guy hired by the Des Moines Register for the last 16 years quit the paper and is starting another ride to compete with...
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Thoughts from Holly

The weather has been changing with the leaves turning, mums are in full bloom, and it won’t stop raining (ugh). Let’s hope the rain stops soon so the farmers can get in the fields and combine the crops. With the changing of the seasons we need to take time to...
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Notes from Steve

There was a world famous* strip joint in the town** next to the town (Scotland, SD) where I ran my first hospital. I asked my assistant Judy if she’d ever been there. “Yes, I went the night the monkey died”. (How could I not ask?) “What monkey?” I asked. She...
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Notes from Steve

I got the tattoo. It says “Do Good. Ride Hard. Live Well.” Do Good. For me this relates to being a good guy in the community - doing things that help my town, my organization, my world be a better place to live. It could be paying for someone’s groceries,...
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