Iowa Specialty Hospital

Notes from Our Leaders - Page 16

Enjoy these weekly insights from our Senior Leadership team.

Senior Leaders include: Steve Simonin, President & CEO; Amy McDaniel, Belmond CEO; Beth Carder, CNO; Cindy Hunter, CQO; Holly Martin, HRO; Greg Polzin, CFO; Regan Swisher, CCO; and Ashley Recknor, Specialty Services Officer.


Notes from Steve

Next year 2023 - will be our year of “BE”.* Our theme will take on the theme by the active “to be”** - and take on the honey/bumble bee as our slogan. (I am way too excited about this …) I contemplated a new tattoo of a honey bee on...
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Notes from Steve

There was a study years ago that said the average weight gain between Thanksgiving and Christmas is around 8 pounds. I don’t think I hit that mark in the last couple of years, so I’m trying hard this year to make up for lost effort. Geez .. seriously, I have...
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Amy's Reflections

It feels like this month is flying by so quickly. It always feels hectic around the holidays, but this year seems more so than usual. Every year we get a real tree for our living room and decorate it with ornaments collected over the years. Well, I was startled awake...
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From Ashley's Perspective

We are in the heart of the holiday season which happens to be one of my favorite times of year, and this year with a 5-year-old, who loves all things Christmas, it certainly has made it extra special. She has been so excited about getting a tree, decorating, her winter...
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Notes from Steve

I was in NYC with my family for this past weekend, and we did most everything - tourist-wise. Shopped, Broadway show, ate at great restaurants, subways, saw a rat jump on people (true story - in Times Square - freaked me out), walked a lot … Saw a lot of...
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Amy's Reflections

Any guesses on how long until one of them is overdrawn? I forgot how many life lessons happen in these teen years. We had a great example this past week when the kids got out of school early due to bad weather. Their father instructed them to go straight home,...
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Notes from Steve

I’m headed to NYC for a long weekend with my sisters. I was thinking yesterday that I’ve been to NYC a lot over the years*. It’s Christmas there - all decorated, the big tree is being lit at the end of November, and everyone is filled with holiday glee. Awesome....
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The Brief by Reagan

As I write this article, we are preparing for Thanksgiving. I look at this time, as a time to look back and focus on all the things that have gone right. A time to be thankful for what I have versus regretting what wasn’t accomplished or didn’t turn out as...
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Notes from Steve

This week - Thanksgiving week - is crazy for me. I hosted a big group for dinner at my house from Washington County Hospital on Monday night and then my family on Thursday also at my house. You know, I like to do these things - I really do -...
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