Iowa Specialty Hospital

Notes from Our Leaders - Page 22

Enjoy these weekly insights from our Senior Leadership team.

Senior Leaders include: Steve Simonin, President & CEO; Amy McDaniel, Belmond CEO; Beth Carder, CNO; Cindy Hunter, CQO; Holly Martin, HRO; Greg Polzin, CFO; Regan Swisher, CCO; and Ashley Recknor, Specialty Services Officer.


Notes from Steve

I asked my friend, Brian, what he thought of the January 6th insurrection trials … he said he wasn’t paying attention but “what about that Johnny Depp/Amber Heard trial - that’s something huh??”. (deep mournful sigh) I remember as a 9 year old kid in May of 1973 listening to...
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The Brief by Reagan

Right now summer is in full swing, and that means the kids are busy and our family is on the run. Sports, friends, and all sorts of other events have now consumed our lives with no real end in sight. I think this is what summers are. We are trying...
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Notes from Steve

I don’t hear really well. I think it’s because I listen to music too loud - whatever, I’m hard of hearing. This is also age related - as we get older, we can’t hear the high pitches as well as we could in the past. And, I lose things -...
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Amy's Reflections

It is official, I have two more babies getting wings and getting ready to fly on their own. The boys are 16 and officially have their licenses. As a mom, I love and hate this stage. I love that they can run errands for me and they don’t need a...
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Notes from Steve

At recent meetings (Iowa Hospital Association and American Hospital Association) the topic of cybersecurity was a hot topic. The chairman of our American Hospital Association group, Phil, shared that his hospital was a victim of cyber theft; they had to pay a ransom and they were offline for 3 to...
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Thoughts from Holly

Thoughts from Holly On Friday, May 13, 2022 I had my 25th anniversary working at ISH, formally known as WMC and before that formally known as CMH. To say I have seen a lot of changes in the past 25 years is an understatement. When I started we had about...
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Notes from Steve

My life is either a runaway train careening to disaster or a well maintained bullet train. It feels (to me) that things are going really fast, and I need to maintain control. I lost my wallet last week so I think the runaway train is more applicable right now. When...
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Amy's Reflections

I am pretty sure I lost my mind this past weekend as we picked up another puppy. We love our labs and our pets are definitely part of our family, but I may have a problem. Oakley is our silver lab (brown) and is a year and half. Whiskey is...
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Notes from Steve

I was in Puerto Rico last week. The island was devastated in a hurricane 6 or so years ago. The place we stayed through Airbnb was really nice, but the neighborhood was still in need of help. We take for granted our blessings - it’s not great everywhere. Blessings. We...
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